Word of the Year: Patience

Last year, my word of the year was balance.

For the past few months, I have tried to be more aware of the balance of work and life, balance in eating habits, balance in exercise (didn’t do super well here tbh) and balance in me-time and time spent with loved ones. This observance of balance has led me to adopt patience as my focus this year.

Patience precedes discovery. I find patience to be key to mindfulness everyday and listening to your inner voice for guidance.

This year I plan to make some exciting moves with my art. It’s going to require a lot of patience. I hope that my art inspires you to pursue that thing that you’ve never been able to stop dreaming about.

My dream is painting.

For the past few months, I’ve been painting consistently. In August, I went on what I like to call a paintcation to Santa Fe, NM to study with a super talented artist, Dorielle Caimi. In September, I signed up for a continuing ed class via the New York Academy of Art, then again in November, taking Drawing into Painting with Dennis Cheaney. I’ve been fortunate to recieve a few commission inquiries, as well.

On the business side, I’ve taken several classes on Udemy, consulted with many smart friends and mentors about how to actually start a business, and done a lot of research.

Some things that will be coming soon include:

  • ONLINE PRINT SHOP! (Maybe a giveaway to kick things off?)

  • New art for competitions

  • New work from classes and more time lapses. Always more time lapses.

Let me know what you are working towards this year!

Thanks for reading and talk soon,


2020 Image Gallery


2023 in Review


4 Reasons Why You Need to Attend a Painting Workshop